Why not join us?
Why not visit one of our meetings and see if you like us? You can do this for a small fee, which will be refunded if you join us.
Members are entitled to attend all our lectures free of charge and receive reminders, and information from other local history societies. We will consider any written articles about local people or places for publication.
We encourage members to take part in various projects, which may result in publication. The society occasionally runs visits which may tie in with recent lectures.
The membership year runs from September to May, but you can join at any time.
The easiest way to join is at a meeting. Standing order forms will be available. They can be presented to your bank or used for telephone or internet banking. We do not give banking details here as this is a not a secure site.If you cannot wait, use the email button on the right to request a membership form.
- Single member £11 (£10 by Standing Order)
- Joint members (same address) £17 (£15 by Standing Order)
- Guests may attend a lecture for only £3. This charge may vary for our joint meetings. Those who are in full-time education may attend free
Visit us first?
You are welcome to attend any of our meetings for a small fee, which is set to make it cheaper to join us after two visits! So you can visit as often as you like! If you are in full-time education, you may attend our meetings for no charge.
Where do we Meet?
Most meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of the month from September to May, at the Ashcroft Hall, Ashcroft Road, Cirencester (the Methodist Chapel). Some meetings, especially joint meetings with other organisations may be elsewhere in the town. Information is available on the Programme card and Page.